Trinity College Dublin

Trinity College Dublin (Ireland):
University Sports Service Profile:

Facilities: 1 Fitness Theatre, Gym, Ancillary Hall (martial arts, fencing etc.), 4 Squash Courts, Rifle Range, Boxing Gym, 25m Swimming Pool, Spinning Studio, Cricket Oval, 2 Rugby Pitches, 3 Soccer Pitches, 2 Hockey Pitches (1 grass, 1 synthetic), 1 Gaelic Football Pitch, Fitness Trail (1 km)                                    


Healthy Trinity aims to make the healthy choice the easy choice in Trinity by engaging as many students and staff as possible in promoting health. We are always interested in hearing from students and staff who have energy and would like to get involved.

Selected health promoting physical activities:

Operation Transformation
Operation Transformation is a healthy lifestyle programme where 2 staff and 2 students volunteer to be leaders through their programme of 6 weeks. Staff and students throughout the college followed their lead and signed up to follow their programmes. Over 160 participated the year with events, classes and fitness programmes being provided by the department of Sport. This is a lifestyle change programme

Sport & Physical Activity
All Trinity students have gym and pool access as part of their college registration. Classes and courses are offered at a reduced rate to students and there is a full range of classes, courses and lessons on offer. There are nearly 50 sports clubs to choose from each offered at beginner and advanced levels. To compliment the clubs and to ensure students can enjoy sport and physical activity at all levels there is also a full social, intra mural and learn to play programme in place offering everything from learn to play Gaelic Games to a soccer social league. Students are then encouraged to engage with a club to continue their activity.

Smarter Travel
There are a number of initiatives that Trinity delivers in cooperation with Smarter Travel, a branch within the Government Department of Transport – Student and staff cycle training, public transport tax saver scheme, pedometer & cycle challenges, bike to work scheme, lecture series and info, cycle buddy scheme for new cyclists, information maps on smart routes from halls of residence and between campuses, carpooling website, BUG cycling

Health & Sport Week
Health & Sport Week is run as a joint project by the college health service and Trinity Sport annually. Activities and events include – free exercise classes,  relaxation/ pilates/ yoga, gym challenges, lunchtime talk, mindfulness, sports club involvement, blood drive, free dance classes, fencing club display, quidditch tournament, health talks, health focused classes e.g. living well with arthritis, mental health training for staff all kicked off by a main launch event.

Smoking Cessation
Stop smoking courses take place regularly and are hosted in the Sports Centre. Other areas include – Don’t Say Don’t to Smokers training, students campaign on how movies promote smoking, smoke free survey, Smoke Free Campus initiative.